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Here you will find answers to questions related to Continuing Education Contract Lecturers (CECLs).

If you have a question that is not covered in this FAQ. please contact

Course Shells

How do I request a D2L course shell?
In order to request a D2L course shell, you must be logged in to Then, refer to this step-by-step guide for requesting a course shell.

How do I add a “tied section” to D2L?
Confirm in MyServiceHub that you can see the tied section in your Faculty Centre for both sections. If you cannot see it, email to request that your name be loaded into MyServiceHub next to the tied section. Once you can see the tied section in MyServiceHub, request the tied section to be added to the D2L shell. For more information on how to add a shell, please visit Manage Student Sections.

Why can’t I request a course shell yet?
There is a waiting period from the date you accept the job offer to being listed in MyServiceHub as the Continuing Education Contract Lecturer. Please ensure you have accepted your offer and activated your Toronto Metropolitan Online Identity at For further assistance, contact

Do I need to provide a course outline?
Toronto Metropolitan’s Course Management Policy (Policy 166) specifies that students must be provided with a course outline, either electronically on the university’s learning management system (D2L Brightspace) or in hard copy, by or at the first meeting of every course. The information in the outline should be discussed during the first class, and may be supplemented by more detailed information that is provided later in the course.

A copy of your course outline must also be sent to at the beginning of each term.

Where do I get a template for a course outline?
Please email to obtain a course outline template.

How can I extend student access to my course shell in order for students to complete an INC grade?
The Digital Media Projects (DMP) office can extend access to the course shell for the purpose of a student completing INC assignment(s), as long as the request comes directly from the instructor of the course. To request a course extension, instructors should email and provide the course term, course code and section number.


What are my responsibilities if a student needs special accommodation?
Toronto Metropolitan University’s Senate Policy 159: Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities establishes guidelines and procedures for providing academic accommodation for students. Faculty, instructors, and staff may also wish to review the principles of Universal Design for Learning offered by the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching for ways to maintain classroom inclusivity and accessibility. For further information, please visit Academic Accommodation Support.

Where will my final exam be held?
For classes held on campus, the final exam will usually take place in the same classroom location, at the regular class time, in the final class meeting. For virtual and online courses, the final exams will be held online.

Can I get an exam invigilator?
If you have 50 students or more and require an invigilator for your final exam, please email  

What if a student cannot attend an exam and needs to reschedule?
Your students are expected to complete all assignments, tests, and exams within the time frames and by the dates indicated in your course outline. However, Toronto Metropolitan University policies allow a student who misses a mid-term or final exam for one of the following reasons only – religious observance, medical illness, or compassionate grounds – to formally request an alternate arrangement to write a makeup exam. The student’s request must be in writing and must be accompanied by the appropriate documentation. You should direct your students to the University’s Senate Policy 134: Undergraduate Academic Consideration and Appeals and Policy 150: Accommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual Observance. You can find more information on the Missed Mid-Term and Final Exam Procedure page.

Where should students submit their documents if they are missing an exam?
All students must submit their requests for academic consideration for health reasons to the Toronto Metropolitan online portal. A link to the online request form and instructions for submission are available here. Documentation will not be accepted by email, fax nor in person.


When are final grades due?
Please refer to Grading Deadlines.

What if I missed the deadline to submit grades?
Final grades must be submitted by the Registrar’s deadline. Please contact your program director to advise them of the reason for the delay and the anticipated date the grades will be submitted. The Grade Roster will remain open for you to enter the final grades when they have been finalized.

How do I change a grade?
If you have already changed the Approval Status of your Grade Roster to Approved, or if you are revising a grade after the final deadline, you will need to submit your grade changes using the online grade revision process. Visit Automated Grade Revision Process for detailed instructions. Please also review Automated Grade Revision Process - Frequently Asked Questions.

If your Grade Roster Approval Status is still showing Not Reviewed then you can still change the grade directly in the Grade Roster.

How do I input grades?
You must use your active Toronto Metropolitan Online Identity and password to enter the final letter grades into MyServiceHub. You will access MyServiceHub and your grade roster through Detailed instructions on how to enter grades are found on the How to Enter Grades website.

How do I migrate final grades from D2L to MyServiceHub?
Post final exam marks in the Grade Centre in D2L. Before converting your marks to letter grades and submitting them to MyServiceHub, please confirm that you have made the appropriate changes to your D2L grades so that the marks (weightings, percentages, etc.) in your course are accurately calculated. You can set up your D2L course shell so that MyServiceHub can "fetch" the final grades and allow you to approve them. For detailed instructions, see D2L Fetch from MyServiceHub for Final Calculated Grades.

Where can I find other relevant forms?
Please visit Forms for Faculty and Administrators.


How can I add my teaching dossier to my application?
The Toronto Metropolitan hiring system only allows for one file (resumé/dossier) to be uploaded. Please combine all necessary documents for your dossier (e.g. CV, teaching philosophy statement, teaching history, surveys, letters, etc.) into a single Word or PDF file (5MB maximum), and upload this document when prompted for a resumé during your application process. For clarity, please be sure to include your last name and term in the file name of your dossier (e.g., smith-f2019 or smith-ceng-f2019).

Explore a tutorial.

Who do I contact if I can’t log in into my applicant account?
If you cannot log into your account, please contact Human Resources.

If you cannot log into your account, please contact CCS.

If you recently were able to log in to your account and accepted your job offer, please inform CCS that you have just accepted an offer for the upcoming term.

When will I hear if I have received a teaching contract?
Contract offers for posted courses will be issued by deadlines set by the collective agreement for CUPE 3904 Continuing Education Contract Lecturers.


When is New CECL Orientation night?
If you are a new CECL, you should have received an email notification. Please visit Professional Development for CECLs for information and scheduling.

How do I obtain my OneCard?
If you are a new CECL, you must have accepted your job offer in order to request a OneCard. Please visit the OneCard website to complete and print the request form. A Toronto Metropolitan OneCard is required before the start of classes if you wish to use the Toronto Metropolitan Library, borrow audiovisual equipment from Media Services, and access Presentation Technology in the classroom.

NOTE: You only need to obtain your OneCard once. Keep it safe between teaching assignments; it will be re-activated automatically whenever you are re-hired to teach at The Chang School.

What is two-factor authentication, and why is it required?
Two-factor authentication provides a second level of security for your Metropolitan account. In addition to your password, a time-limited code is required to log in. Codes are generated by devices you have with you. The device can be a mobile phone, a universal second factor (U2F) security key or a one-time verification (OTV) code generator.

For more information, please visit Computing and Communications Services (CCS).

Where is my classroom?
Your classroom information can be found in your MyServiceHub Faculty Centre. Classroom locations will be finalized the week before classes start.

Can I change my classroom?
Classrooms are assigned based on a variety of criteria that includes class enrolment, special requirements, etc. Classroom space is limited across campus. In most cases, it is not possible to change the location of your classroom. However, if you feel that relocation is essential, contact the Logistics Coordinator at and your request will be considered. 

What are the copyright regulations at Toronto Metropolitan?

The Toronto Metropolitan Library provides helpful support to ensure that copyright regulations are followed. Their Do-It-Yourself Copyright Checking page is a great resource that contains tips on how to use copyrighted material legally.

How do I get photocopies printed?
For small print jobs, CECLs may use the photocopier on the second floor of Heaslip House. For larger ones, please use Duplicating and Printing Services.

  • When emailing Duplicating and Printing Services, you will need to have the Chang School cost centre for the copying charges. Please email Client Services for the cost centre details at
  • Whenever possible, material should be photocopied double-sided.
  • While photocopying services may be available while you wait, most orders should be completed within 24 hours.
  • Duplicating and Printing Services can print out documents submitted in Word, Google Doc, or PDF format. The equipment does not accept any other file format.
  • Please note that any photocopies made outside of Toronto Metropolitan University will not be reimbursed.

Can I get reimbursed for photocopies/supplies (e.g., whiteboard markers, etc.)?

How do I upload course readings in my D2L shell?
The Toronto Metropolitan Library provides a One-Stop Course Reading Service to help you post course readings in your D2L shell. The Library will also check copyright permissions for you before posting the readings. Email your reading requests to

How do I cancel a class?
In the event of an emergency where you are unable to teach one of your classes and it must be cancelled, you must complete the following steps:

  • Contact The Chang School immediately at 416-979-5035.
  • Post an announcement for your students in your D2L course shell.
  • Communicate your arrangements to make up the missed class to your students and to the Logistics Coordinator via email at

Why is my Toronto Metropolitan email terminated?
CECL email access is suspended 280 days after the end of your last contract. However, you will still be able to login to and access the eHR portal.

How do I add my profile to the CECL Profile Directory?
If you are a current CECL teaching please log in to the portal using your Toronto Metropolitan username and password. If you have any questions, please contact

Remote Teaching

Can I come to campus to use the printer/computers?
The Chang School Building, Heaslip House (CED), has reopened to the public with reduced building access hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.

While the CED second floor instructor area will be open during in-person operation hours, instructors who wish to use this area during other times will need their OneCard programmed to enter the building and to use the elevator. If you would like to have your OneCard programmed for CED building access, please complete the Building Access Request Form.  

Instructors will be notified when their OneCard has been programmed for the CED elevator and 2nd floor access. Programmed OneCards allow access to the CED 2nd floor from 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

It's my first time teaching online. What resources are available to help?
The Chang School provides administrative and technical support for online teaching and we also offer Teaching Adult Learners Online (TALO), a professional development course for new online instructors.
In addition, The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching have curated resources and offer workshops for remote teaching. 

Can I ask students to turn on their cameras while I'm teaching online?
Respect your student's privacy. While it may be uncomfortable to speak to a wall of names instead of faces, be aware that for some of your students turning on their video camera may compromise their privacy and security by revealing visual information they do not want to share. Specific circumstances for individual students regarding privacy and security may arise.

The best practice is to keep the lines of communication open with your students and let them know you are there to help ensure the sessions are safe for all involved. Students will want to know in advance if you are recording, if there will be breakout groups and if they are encouraged to use their webcam. They can then let you know if they have any concerns before the session starts.

Will I know which courses are offered on which days and times before I apply to teach?
Yes, you can access the scheduling information during the posting period on the Teaching at The Chang School web page.

For the online course postings, do instructors have to live in Toronto?
You do not need to live in Toronto to teach an online course. However, you must be eligible to work in Canada.

Security and Emergency Services

Where do I find information related to security and emergency services?
Please refer to Community Safety and Security for emergency awareness, preparedness, and response procedures; assistance with non-emergencies; personal safety information; and more.

Student Support Resources

Where can I direct students who have general questions about The Chang School?
Client Services provides front-line information, advice, and support to all students taking Continuing Education courses. They are the first point of contact for general inquiries, course and certificate information, course schedules, course fees, and more. Students may contact the Client Services team by phone or email: (416) 979-5035 or or in person during CED building hours Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 297 Victoria Street.  

For other services and support available for Chang School students, visit the Services and Support page.

How can my students contact the Academic Accommodation Support office? 
Please visit the Academic Accommodation Support contact page

How can I learn more about my role in accommodating students in my course?
The Academic Accommodation Support team created the Academic Accommodation Support Teaching Handbook for your reference. In addition, please review Toronto Metropolitan Senate Policy 159: Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities.

How can students request accommodation for an online exam?
Please review the recording of Online Tests & Exams: Accommodated & Make-Up Tests hosted by the Centre in Excellence in Learning and Teaching for more information. 

How can I help a student who is facing distress during their academic studies?
Listen to the student’s concerns and if applicable (and with the student’s consent), please refer them to the Student Care office who are there to provide support to students.

Health & Safety on Campus

COVID-19 vaccination is not required in order to access campus. However, our community members are asked to keep their vaccination status in the TMU Safe mobile app up to date. 

Having the vaccination status of all of our community members will allow the university to shift back to requiring vaccination to attend campus quickly and easily, should it become necessary. Please note that your ability to continue to participate in academics, work and  other activities at the university may be impacted if the requirement for mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 is reintroduced.

As a primary health and safety measure, the university continues to encourage all who are able to be vaccinated to do so.

All community members are encouraged to keep COVID-19 vaccinations current, per public health guidelines. For more information, visit vaccinations.