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Examination Protocols

Toronto Metropolitan University’s Examination Policy deals with all aspects of the examination process, including infrastructure, invigilation responsibilities, and student behaviour. The full text of Policy 135 is available from the Senate website.

The Chang School would like to remind you of the following responsibilities as you invigilate your examination.

Preparing for Your Final Examination

Final examinations for Chang School courses take place in the last scheduled class session, in the same classroom, unless otherwise prescribed in the curriculum.

Duplicating and Printing Services (Multiprint) at 105 Bond St. will be able to photocopy your exams within 48 hours; you will need The Chang School cost centre for their copying charges. Contact to get the cost centre number for your work order. Once you have your exam copies, please ensure they are securely stored until distributed at your final exam. Extra copies should be destroyed after your exam.

If you plan to use bubble sheets, these must be ordered in advance; for more information, visit Computing and Communication Services’ (CSS) Akindi Assessment website.

If a student has a conflict (two final exams at the same time) or overload (three final exams on the same day, or in consecutive time slots – e.g., afternoon, evening including The Chang School, and morning), they should contact to make alternate arrangements.

Your Invigilation Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of each individual CECL to ensure the integrity of their examination process. 

Please ensure your students are aware of exam protocols and remind them of their responsibilities and the consequences of cheating and academic misconduct. Refer students to the Academic Integrity website

Chang School Contingency Procedures for Disrupted Exams

The Chang School’s procedures for handling disruptions to final exams are intended to manage the examination process in a way that protects the academic integrity of Toronto Metropolitan University and Toronto Metropolitan students and to ensure the safety of students, CECLs, and staff.

Advise your students that every effort will be made to ensure that your final exam will be written. In the event there is a disruption to scheduled exams, we have assigned either an alternate location to complete your exam on the same evening or an alternate date for students to return to write a new exam. Please review the documentation mailed to you and consider how your final exam might be affected by a disruption. In your last teaching class and again prior to the start of your final exam, you are asked to communicate this information to your students.

The Chang School offices in Heaslip House will be open during regular office hours and staff will be available by phone until 7:00 p.m. to answer your questions. You can contact us by dialing ext. 8202 from a classroom phone, or call 416-979-5035 from an outside line before 7:00 p.m.

Student Academic Conduct

Chang School students are bound by the Toronto Metropolitan Student Code of Academic Conduct. If you suspect a student of cheating, take immediate steps, as appropriate, to prevent further cheating. In general, students should be allowed to complete the exam.

  1. If a student is seen to have unauthorized materials, such materials should be quietly removed, the details noted in writing, and the names of nearby students recorded. The matter should be reported to your program director. If you observe a student appearing to misuse or cheat with an electronic device (e.g., cell phone), if possible, take a photo of the screen and have the student store the device, but do not seize the cell phone or device.
  2. If it is suspected that students are copying material from other students, the names of those students should be noted. The incident should be reported to your program director.
  3. If it is suspected that someone is impersonating a student, the photo identification of that person should be checked, and the person should be asked to sign the exam paper for further verification. If it is suspected that the identification is not valid, students may be asked to provide alternate photo identification. If circumstances warrant, contact Security at ext. 5040, or contact The Chang School office by emailing
  4. Allowing work to be copied during an examination or test shall constitute cheating.
  5. Utilizing unauthorized material or consultation outside of the exam room during the period of the exam shall constitute cheating.

For more information, please visit the Academic Integrity Office.

If you have any questions regarding these final examination protocols, please contact your academic coordinator or your program director.

Procedures for Handling Disruptions to Mid-Term or Final Exams

If during an exam, there is a fire alarm or you are advised by a Security officer to leave the building, continuing education contract lecturers (CECLs) and students must evacuate the building immediately – there are no exceptions.

Every attempt must be made to complete the exam on the evening scheduled. However, if a class is unable to re-enter the building due to an evacuation, the following guidelines will be of assistance to both you and your students.

If a fire alarm sounds, continuing education contract lecturers (CECLs) should calmly tell their students to do the following:

  1. Hand in all exam question papers and all answer sheets/booklets.
  2. Gather all their personal belongings and leave the building.
  3. Meet outside the building, staying together as a class group until receiving further instructions.

In the event of a fire alarm, it is vital that you wait with your class outside until Security staff let you know if and when you may re-enter the evacuated building.

Once you receive permission to re-enter the building, you and your students should proceed back to the classroom where the students will take their seats and resume writing the interrupted exam. Please allow students sufficient additional time to complete the exam.

If during a final exam the evacuated building cannot be re-entered, please advise the students that you will assign them an alternate exam date, time and location after consulting with your program area. The alternate date should be determined and communicated within 24 hours.