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Open Educational Resources (OER)

The Chang School has launched a repository of open educational resources as an initiative to provide access to education to a wide variety of learners.

What’s an OER?

An open educational resource (OER) is content that is free and openly licensed for the purposes of teaching, learning, and research. Wikipedia, itself an example of an OER, has an excellent explanation. OERs can include syllabi, lecture notes, presentation slides, videos, podcasts, assigned readings, instructions for various kinds of assignments, and more. Attaching an open license to such resources allows them to be reused, revised, and redistributed.

Toronto Metropolitan’s History of OER

Toronto Metropolitan University’s Library, Archives and Special Collections houses a collection of audio recorded interviews with prominent Canadians. These materials were originally offered as part of print/audio distance education courses through CJRT-FM and Open College, which were accredited by Toronto Metropolitan University.

Canada 150

In celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary and in recognition of the importance of diversity as a fundamental Canadian value, The Chang School is pleased to present an inaugural OER, Migration and Multiculturalism: Global Challenge, Canadian Experience. This OER is based on archival recordings made available by Toronto Metropolitan University’s Library, Archives and Special Collections.


We are proud to partner with the OERu. The OERu makes higher education accessible to everyone. Coordinated by the OER Foundation, an independent, not-for-profit organization, the OERu network of institutions offers free online courses for students worldwide.

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